Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-18

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-18

 stable diffusionに出力できないものはあまりないようだった。

 There didn’t seem to be much that couldn’t be output to stable diffusion.
 I have kept a record of my dreams since I was a college student. I made notes in a notebook so that I would not forget the sights and stories I saw in my sleep. It may seem crazy to some, but I have been writing down my dreams every day for dozens of years. If someone were to say that I was a bit crazy for writing down the scenes of my dreams every day for decades, he or she would be right, and it would seem to be common sense that he or she would be tempted to say so.
 Ever since I was a toddler, I have had mysterious dreams that have been bothering me, and since I was just about 20 years old, I have found that if I write down the dreams I have had in writing, it somehow clears the haze in my mind a little.
 Dream memories, scenes that stuck in my mind, and hazy landscapes, words, and people that were indefinite and vague, as if they were in a fog. These scenes in the fog and haze are cleared in an instant by something trivial, such as a fragment of memory. The process of recalling a dream is like digging for a hot spring in the ground, and once it has been dug and gushed out, the rest of the process is just a continuous stream of work. I write down the sequence of events in a notebook with words. That’s it.
 It may not seem like the kind of activity that is generally associated with “productivity,” but for me, it was a necessary act.

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-17

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-17

 その人の心や記憶の中にある、傍からは見えない心像が、現実のような写真風の体裁でパソコンモニタに現れてくる。茫洋とした曖昧な夢や、記憶の心像がAI写真機としてのstable diffusionによって画面上に現像されてくる。
 stable diffusionを用いて心像を映像化した人が、出力されたその画像を良しとするなら、それは彼にとっての内的現実の一種だと言っても良い気はする。
 他に様々な用途はあろうが、内的現実をある程度写す鏡として私はstable diffusionを使い始めた。

 As for the AI image generation, it seemed to me that it was similar to the process of plastic arts, in which clay is kneaded again and again, shaped, viewed from different angles, and then the fine modification process is continued again.
 The word “photograph,” which consists of the words “to capture the true image,” is thought to be a disciplined copying of what is external, material, and earthly, what is unquestionably called “reality”.
 But what exactly is “reality”? Is what the camera captures something that can be called a solid objective reality?
 Let us leave aside the question of whether there is such a thing as “objective reality” and, if so, what it is. At any rate, a smartphone camera is thought to subjectively capture objects, people, and scenery that are close to the photographer.
 The photo would certainly be “reality” to the photographer.  
How about an AI photo?
 The mental image in a person’s mind or memory, which cannot be seen from the outside, appears on a computer monitor in a photo-like appearance, as if it were reality. The mental image of a vague dream or memory is developed on the screen by stable diffusion as an AI photo machine.
 If the person who visualized his mental image by using stable diffusion considers the output image to be good, it is safe to say that it is a kind of inner reality for him.
 I started to use stable diffusion as a mirror of inner reality to some extent, although it may have many other uses.

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-16

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-16

 言葉によって映像を生成する、というのは映画で言えば、台本のト書き、「雨が降っている」とか「暗い無人の居間」とか、そんなようなものかもしれない。stable diffusion側に設定されたAIデータモデルが美術兼カメラのようなものだろうか。料理で言えば、プロンプトはレシピで、AIデータは豊富な原材料、野菜や肉や米が入った箱のようなものかもしれない。
 stable diffusionによる画像生成を行うにはまず何よりも、有志によって作成された各種AIデータモデルの特徴、その味、その色味、その表現手法を大まかにでもしっかり把握することが重要だ、ということが次第に分かってきた。
 stable diffusionでの画像生成は、言葉を入力しては画像を確認、修正して、言葉に重みを付けたり、別の言葉に替えたりして画像を再出力、再確認、また言葉の再選定、というような形で延々と試行錯誤の繰り返しであった。

 Generating images with words might be like the tome of a script in a movie, “It’s raining,” or “A dark, uninhabited living room,” etc. The AI data model set on the stable diffusion side might be like the art and the camera. In cooking, the prompt might be a recipe, and the AI data might be like a box with abundant raw materials, vegetables, meat, and rice.
Even when I entered “a woman walking in a snowy garden” into the spell field, the images generated and summoned by the AI model data I had set up varied widely.
 It became clear to me that the first and foremost thing to generate images with stable diffusion is to have a good grasp of the characteristics of the various AI data models created by volunteers, their flavors, their colors, and their expression techniques, even if only roughly.
 I would like to see the scenery I have seen in my dreams and the somewhat vague and hazy scenes that exist in my mind, not only with my mind’s eye but also with this material naked eye, if possible.
 The process of image generation in stable diffusion was an endless repetition of trial and error: input words, check the image, modify it, add weight to the words, replace them with other words, output the image again, check it again, select the words again, and so on.

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-15

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-15

 地上の物質世界には存在し得ない類の、物理法則を超越した、精神的な原風景、心的な現実の景色をstable diffusionで呼び出すことができる。プロンプトに「水」と入力すれば水が、「炎」と入力すれば火が映像として画面上に現れる。「水の上の炎」と入れれば、水の上で燃える火が現れる。
 AI画像ギャラリーでは圧倒的に女性のAI像が投稿されていた。相当なマシンパワーを必要とするパソコンにわざわざstable diffusionをインストールし、費用と時間と手間を掛けて、「理想の異性像」生成に熱中しているのはどうやらやはり専ら男性たちが中心のようだった。
 stable diffusionユーザーによってプロンプト(呪文)で呼び出された(召喚された)或る種の少女らは、個人毎に切り離された孤独な夢幻世界の人工楽園に存在する別次元の生命体のようでもあった。

 Stable diffusion can conjure up a mental landscape, a mental reality that transcends the laws of physics and that cannot exist in the earthly material world. Type “water” at the prompt and water appears on the screen; type “fire” and fire appears on the screen. If you enter “fire on water,” a fire burning on top of water appears.
 In the AI image gallery, female AI images were overwhelmingly submitted. It seemed that it was mainly men who took the trouble to install stable diffusion on their computers, which require a lot of machine power, and spent a lot of money, time, and effort to create their “ideal image of the opposite sex”.
 Beautiful girls in the style of anime illustrations were smiling prettily. Artificial AI girls, who do not exist in this world, stood in the garden in light clothing.
 Some of the girls, summoned by stable diffusion users with prompts (spells), seemed to be life forms from another dimension existing in an artificial paradise of a solitary dream world, separated from each other.
 I also began to generate my own mental reality, using some of the images and prompts posted there as a reference.

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About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-14

 stable diffusion用のAIモデルがダウンロードできるサイトでは、ユーザーたちが各々出力した数多くのAI画像がギャラリーページに展示されている。半裸、ヌード、怪獣、ロボット、風景、アニメイラスト、ハードコアポルト、猟奇、血まみれ、宇宙人、動物、サイバーパンク、GIFアニメ。

 I was reminded of the words of a children’s occult dictionary cartoon: “Be careful not to go insane when you keep a dream diary.”
 On the site where users can download AI models for stable diffusion, a large number of AI images are displayed on the gallery page, each output by a different user. The site’s gallery page displays a large number of AI images, including half-naked, nude, monster, robot, landscape, anime illustration, hardcore pornography, bizarre, bloody, alien, animal, cyberpunk, GIF animation, and so on.
 A number of images freely and unrestrictedly output by each person’s generated image AI, as per their ideals and desires. It seemed to me that the unconsciousness, which was originally pushed deep into the dark recesses of each person’s mind, was given form and color and materialized like a ghost or a monster.
 There was not much there that seemed beautiful. I was still reminded of the saying, “Beware of continuing to keep a dream diary, or you may lose your sanity.” If the images of dreams deep in people’s hearts are made into a form, will the AI Image Gallery be filled with scary demons and monsters, the nightly ghosts and spirits of mountains and rivers? Can this really be called beautiful?

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-13

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-13

 stable diffusionで心の中の空想が映像として目の前で現実として現れる。言葉によって指示された映像が、存在しない別種の空間から、あたかも、もう一つの現実として当然のような様子で現れ出てくる。
 stable diffusionで使用するAIモデルデータを片端からダウンロードしてそれぞれの画風や色合いなど、自分に合いそうなものを徹底して一通り調べた。
 生成画像AIに初めて触れるとき、人はどんな言葉をそこに入れるのだろう。動物が好きなら動物、美少女が好きなら美少女、ファンタジーっぽい景色が好きならそのようなものを呼び出す言葉をstable diffusion のプロンプト欄に入力するのだろう。
 心に棲むアニマ像や、繰り返し見る夢々、記憶の中の景色、感情を呼び起こす風景など、stable diffusionで写真として具現化したい心像光景は限りなくあった。

 With stable diffusion, fantasies in the mind appear as reality in front of the eyes as images. The images indicated by words appear as if they were another reality from a different kind of space that does not exist.
 I downloaded the AI model data used in stable diffusion from one end to the other, and thoroughly examined each one in terms of style, coloring, and other aspects that seemed to suit me.
 I wonder what kind of words people put into the AI when they first come into contact with it. If they like animals, they will probably enter words that call for animals, if they like beautiful girls, they will probably enter beautiful girls, and if they like fantasy-like scenery, they will probably enter words that call for such things in the prompt field of stable diffusion.
 Like the women in Paul Delvaux’s and Toshio Saeki’s fantasy paintings, I have a deep-seated anima of women in my mind.
 When a woman with black hair, a bobbed head, and large eyes appeared on the monitor in an almost ideal form, I was fascinated by the AI data and the prompt language as a summoning spell, which made the illusion-alchemy device easier to operate than I had expected.
 It was as if this were Doraemon’s secret tool. I could picture an image in my mind and input it into the device in words, and the image would appear freely.
 There was no limit to the number of mental images that I wanted to capture with stable diffusion, such as anima images that live in my mind, recurring dreams, scenes from my memory, and landscapes that evoke my emotions.

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-12

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-12

「写真があるのだから本当の出来事」といった「現実の証拠としての写真」という常識がstable diffusionなどの生成画像AI以降、完全に通用しなくなるのだと思った。
心の中の風景を撮影、というフォトショップのかつての宣伝文句はstable diffusionによって本物になった。

It seems strange to have a picture (or photograph) painted (or taken) by words, giving verbal instructions to an AI to output an image.
What would you say if someone said to you, “I’ll make a picture of whatever you like, just say it in words.”
An ideal opposite sex. An ideal landscape. A landscape that doesn’t exist. A scene seen in a dream. A landscape or sensation in your memory. A picture that you cannot draw by hand, but wish you could. A picture that cannot be taken by ordinary means, such as on a cloud or in a fire.
The landscapes and people in my imagination, fantasies, and memories become real and appear on the screen as if they were the real thing.
The scenes that we keep seeing in our dreams appear as photographs, not as Photoshop collages, but as if they were real reality.
I thought this was a revolution that overturned the very nature of photography.
I thought that the common sense of “a photograph as evidence of reality,” such as “a photograph is a real event because there is a photograph,” would completely disappear after the introduction of stable diffusion and other AI-generated images.
The old advertising slogan of Photoshop, “capture the scenery in your mind,” has become a real thing with stable diffusion.
(The once revolutionary image processing software Photoshop has also belatedly included a generated image AI function, but its extremely Victorian and sexually hypocritical guidelines have led to the deletion of all generated images in my case, making it difficult for me to continue using it at all.)

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-11

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-11

私が初めてstable diffusion を使った日に思ったことは「これはヴェンダースの『夢の果てまでも』の夢映像化装置だ」ということだった。
というような昔見た映画のシーンを私はstable diffusion を触って思い出した。
私は横尾忠則のフォトショップ作品集に深い感銘を受け、以来フォトショップユーザーになったが、stable diffusion にはそれに匹敵するほどの衝撃を与えられた。
しかしstable diffusionはそれを圧倒的に越えていた。

The first day I used stable diffusion, I thought to myself, “This is the dream visualization device from Wenders’ ‘Until the End of the World’”.
In the film, one of the characters is able to see her dreams as they are on a TV-like machine. After a while, she ends up in bed, in a state of dream addiction.
I was reminded of a scene from a movie I saw a long time ago when I touched the stable diffusion.
When Adobe Photoshop was first released, its catchphrase was something like, “Capture the scenery of your mind”.
I was deeply impressed by Tadanori Yokoo’s Photoshop art collection and have been a Photoshop user ever since, but stable diffusion gave me a shock comparable to that.
Photoshop allows us to create “inner worlds” and “imaginary landscapes” by combining photos and collages.
However, stable diffusion was by far beyond that.

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About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-10


There have been countless instances in history of dream revelations. A difficult question that one has been pondering day after day in the conscious mind is answered in a dream or in a half-awake, half-sleeping state.
The unconscious is often thought of as the “tip of the iceberg,” as in the image of something that lies even deeper underground or underwater than consciousness, but this is not an impression of a dark underground, and if consciousness is a single spotlight, the unconscious is a vast space that is not illuminated by localized lights, but is other than that. I feel that the unconscious is a vast space that is not illuminated by local lights.
The word “unconscious” is associated with a hazy sensation that lies beneath consciousness, beneath reason.
I feel that there is a kind of consciousness that is not conscious by oneself, that is not only “under”, “underground”, or “below the surface” of oneself, but also a perspective from a higher place beyond oneself, beyond consciousness.

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-09

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-09


As I continued, I somehow understood that dream images are connected to what Jung called the collective unconscious. I also understood that the dream images were connected to myths, folktales, and ancient legends.
Dreams were often in the form of stories.
Movies, TV dramas, comic books, and novels are in a “story” format similar to dreams. News reports and documentaries also require a “story,” and if there is nothing like a story, people want an explanation that makes sense and a plot that makes sense. Without a convincing story, fantasy tales spread through collective hearsay.
It seemed that the human mind, through the mechanism of dreams and the workings of the unconscious, was somehow seeking a story from the bottom of its heart.
When I looked at comic books and movies, I somehow understood something like, “This is depicting or based on a dream.”