Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-15

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-15

 地上の物質世界には存在し得ない類の、物理法則を超越した、精神的な原風景、心的な現実の景色をstable diffusionで呼び出すことができる。プロンプトに「水」と入力すれば水が、「炎」と入力すれば火が映像として画面上に現れる。「水の上の炎」と入れれば、水の上で燃える火が現れる。
 AI画像ギャラリーでは圧倒的に女性のAI像が投稿されていた。相当なマシンパワーを必要とするパソコンにわざわざstable diffusionをインストールし、費用と時間と手間を掛けて、「理想の異性像」生成に熱中しているのはどうやらやはり専ら男性たちが中心のようだった。
 stable diffusionユーザーによってプロンプト(呪文)で呼び出された(召喚された)或る種の少女らは、個人毎に切り離された孤独な夢幻世界の人工楽園に存在する別次元の生命体のようでもあった。

 Stable diffusion can conjure up a mental landscape, a mental reality that transcends the laws of physics and that cannot exist in the earthly material world. Type “water” at the prompt and water appears on the screen; type “fire” and fire appears on the screen. If you enter “fire on water,” a fire burning on top of water appears.
 In the AI image gallery, female AI images were overwhelmingly submitted. It seemed that it was mainly men who took the trouble to install stable diffusion on their computers, which require a lot of machine power, and spent a lot of money, time, and effort to create their “ideal image of the opposite sex”.
 Beautiful girls in the style of anime illustrations were smiling prettily. Artificial AI girls, who do not exist in this world, stood in the garden in light clothing.
 Some of the girls, summoned by stable diffusion users with prompts (spells), seemed to be life forms from another dimension existing in an artificial paradise of a solitary dream world, separated from each other.
 I also began to generate my own mental reality, using some of the images and prompts posted there as a reference.