Underworld Illusions 193
冥土幻想 192 廃宇宙船の量子人形が無次元の陥穽で暫し休息
Underworld Illusions 192
The quantum doll of an abandoned spaceship rests for a while in a dimensionless pitfall
冥土幻想 191
Underworld Illusions 191
冥土幻想 190 星間瘴気の幻
Underworld Illusions 190
Phantom of interstellar miasma
冥土幻想 189 雪山のふもとの橋で
Underworld Illusions 189
At the bridge at the foot of the Snowy Mountain
冥土幻想 188 パノラマ島の婦人
Underworld Illusions 188
Lady of Panorama Island
冥土幻想 187
Underworld Illusions 187
冥土幻想 186
Underworld Illusions 186
冥土幻想 185
Underworld Illusions 185
Commemorative photo at the problematic 1926 Panorama Island
冥土幻想 184 江戸川乱歩のパノラマ島で遊戯
Underworld Illusions 184
Playing on Panorama Island by Rampo Edogawa