Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-18

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-18

 stable diffusionに出力できないものはあまりないようだった。

 There didn’t seem to be much that couldn’t be output to stable diffusion.
 I have kept a record of my dreams since I was a college student. I made notes in a notebook so that I would not forget the sights and stories I saw in my sleep. It may seem crazy to some, but I have been writing down my dreams every day for dozens of years. If someone were to say that I was a bit crazy for writing down the scenes of my dreams every day for decades, he or she would be right, and it would seem to be common sense that he or she would be tempted to say so.
 Ever since I was a toddler, I have had mysterious dreams that have been bothering me, and since I was just about 20 years old, I have found that if I write down the dreams I have had in writing, it somehow clears the haze in my mind a little.
 Dream memories, scenes that stuck in my mind, and hazy landscapes, words, and people that were indefinite and vague, as if they were in a fog. These scenes in the fog and haze are cleared in an instant by something trivial, such as a fragment of memory. The process of recalling a dream is like digging for a hot spring in the ground, and once it has been dug and gushed out, the rest of the process is just a continuous stream of work. I write down the sequence of events in a notebook with words. That’s it.
 It may not seem like the kind of activity that is generally associated with “productivity,” but for me, it was a necessary act.