Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-17

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-17

 その人の心や記憶の中にある、傍からは見えない心像が、現実のような写真風の体裁でパソコンモニタに現れてくる。茫洋とした曖昧な夢や、記憶の心像がAI写真機としてのstable diffusionによって画面上に現像されてくる。
 stable diffusionを用いて心像を映像化した人が、出力されたその画像を良しとするなら、それは彼にとっての内的現実の一種だと言っても良い気はする。
 他に様々な用途はあろうが、内的現実をある程度写す鏡として私はstable diffusionを使い始めた。

 As for the AI image generation, it seemed to me that it was similar to the process of plastic arts, in which clay is kneaded again and again, shaped, viewed from different angles, and then the fine modification process is continued again.
 The word “photograph,” which consists of the words “to capture the true image,” is thought to be a disciplined copying of what is external, material, and earthly, what is unquestionably called “reality”.
 But what exactly is “reality”? Is what the camera captures something that can be called a solid objective reality?
 Let us leave aside the question of whether there is such a thing as “objective reality” and, if so, what it is. At any rate, a smartphone camera is thought to subjectively capture objects, people, and scenery that are close to the photographer.
 The photo would certainly be “reality” to the photographer.  
How about an AI photo?
 The mental image in a person’s mind or memory, which cannot be seen from the outside, appears on a computer monitor in a photo-like appearance, as if it were reality. The mental image of a vague dream or memory is developed on the screen by stable diffusion as an AI photo machine.
 If the person who visualized his mental image by using stable diffusion considers the output image to be good, it is safe to say that it is a kind of inner reality for him.
 I started to use stable diffusion as a mirror of inner reality to some extent, although it may have many other uses.