Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-12

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-12

「写真があるのだから本当の出来事」といった「現実の証拠としての写真」という常識がstable diffusionなどの生成画像AI以降、完全に通用しなくなるのだと思った。
心の中の風景を撮影、というフォトショップのかつての宣伝文句はstable diffusionによって本物になった。

It seems strange to have a picture (or photograph) painted (or taken) by words, giving verbal instructions to an AI to output an image.
What would you say if someone said to you, “I’ll make a picture of whatever you like, just say it in words.”
An ideal opposite sex. An ideal landscape. A landscape that doesn’t exist. A scene seen in a dream. A landscape or sensation in your memory. A picture that you cannot draw by hand, but wish you could. A picture that cannot be taken by ordinary means, such as on a cloud or in a fire.
The landscapes and people in my imagination, fantasies, and memories become real and appear on the screen as if they were the real thing.
The scenes that we keep seeing in our dreams appear as photographs, not as Photoshop collages, but as if they were real reality.
I thought this was a revolution that overturned the very nature of photography.
I thought that the common sense of “a photograph as evidence of reality,” such as “a photograph is a real event because there is a photograph,” would completely disappear after the introduction of stable diffusion and other AI-generated images.
The old advertising slogan of Photoshop, “capture the scenery in your mind,” has become a real thing with stable diffusion.
(The once revolutionary image processing software Photoshop has also belatedly included a generated image AI function, but its extremely Victorian and sexually hypocritical guidelines have led to the deletion of all generated images in my case, making it difficult for me to continue using it at all.)