Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-11

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-11

私が初めてstable diffusion を使った日に思ったことは「これはヴェンダースの『夢の果てまでも』の夢映像化装置だ」ということだった。
というような昔見た映画のシーンを私はstable diffusion を触って思い出した。
私は横尾忠則のフォトショップ作品集に深い感銘を受け、以来フォトショップユーザーになったが、stable diffusion にはそれに匹敵するほどの衝撃を与えられた。
しかしstable diffusionはそれを圧倒的に越えていた。

The first day I used stable diffusion, I thought to myself, “This is the dream visualization device from Wenders’ ‘Until the End of the World’”.
In the film, one of the characters is able to see her dreams as they are on a TV-like machine. After a while, she ends up in bed, in a state of dream addiction.
I was reminded of a scene from a movie I saw a long time ago when I touched the stable diffusion.
When Adobe Photoshop was first released, its catchphrase was something like, “Capture the scenery of your mind”.
I was deeply impressed by Tadanori Yokoo’s Photoshop art collection and have been a Photoshop user ever since, but stable diffusion gave me a shock comparable to that.
Photoshop allows us to create “inner worlds” and “imaginary landscapes” by combining photos and collages.
However, stable diffusion was by far beyond that.