Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-28

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-28

 stable diffusionで画像生成をしていると、「これらは実在しない幻のようなものだ。しかし本当に存在しないのだろうか。AIによる膨大な画像処理の際に、何かが映り込むようなことはないのだろうか」という思いに囚われることがある。
 stable diffusionなどの画像生成AIを使っていると、光を使わない写真、ということで「念写」を思い起こすこともある。
 stable diffusionは二十一世紀の新しい念写である、と言っても良いかもしれない。

 When I am doing image generation with stable diffusion, I am often stuck with the thought, “These are like illusions that don’t exist, but do they really not exist? But do they really not exist?
I sometimes wonder if something is reflected in the vast amount of image processing by AI.”
 Such thoughts may be delusional, but I find them interesting.
 A being that has lost its physical body appears on the screen of a generative image AI as a means of materialization, not through photographs or videos, which have been the standard for ghost stories.
 Such a possibility does not seem “entirely unlikely.”
 Since the output is a photographic-like output of a landscape, dream, or fantasy that does not exist in reality, would it be permissible to work with such fantasies?
 Using image generation AI such as stable diffusion sometimes reminds me of “psychic photography,” which is photography without using light.
 This is an occult-like supernatural ability to make a film in the dark become illuminated by mental power alone, without the use of a camera, and image generation AI is somewhat similar to this.
 We may say that stable diffusion is the new psychic photography of the 21st century.

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-27

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-27

 唐突だが、ここで人間の脳の三重構造について考えてしまう。モデルデータ配布サイトなどでstable diffusionによる画像を見ていると、人間の本能を司るといわれる脳幹、爬虫類脳と呼ばれる最古の生存根源的な部分が、無意識を露わにする如く、凶暴かつ露骨に現れ出ているように思うことがある。

 The imaginary landscape shown to the protagonist by Tamami the Whoopi in Osamu Tezuka’s “Phoenix: A Tale of the Future”.The fleeting fantasy world created by AI. The character who becomes addicted to dream images in “‘Until the End of the World’”. It may sound cliched, but it is true that beauty can be found just below the edge of insanity in mental breakdown.
 Suddenly, I am thinking about the threefold structure of the human brain. When I look at stable diffusion images on model data distribution sites, I sometimes think that the brainstem, which is said to control human instincts, and the oldest fundamental part of the brain for survival, called the reptilian brain, appear in a ferocious and blatant manner, as if revealing the unconsciousness of the brain.
 The bare desires, fears, violence, sex, life and death, blood, and unconsciousness that are essential for survival.When the unconscious brainstem and limbic system, which governs these aspects, and the conscious neocortex, which governs reason, thought, and language, are successfully unified and expressed in images, a stunning beauty may emerge that transcends disorder and uniformity.

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-26

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-26

 stable diffusionでの画像生成は、「絵を描く」というよりも「具材を選んだ上で、指示書を作成する」という作業に近い。
 stable diffusionは使う人それぞれによって、各人の心の奥底にある様々な妄想や夢を写す幻想写真機であるとは言える。

 Generating images with stable diffusion is more akin to creating instructions after selecting materials than it is to “painting” a picture.
 There are many AI data models that can be used as materials, and they can be mixed to create a certain degree of originality, but which model to use is very important in image generation.
 The AI processes the material based on the instructions to the point of being foolish. It may seem as if a conscious machine is handling the image generation, but it is merely an automatic process. The unexpected AI’s eerily broken images were a brief cold shower of water that broke that illusion.
 I wonder if AI understands what beauty is, and that it is something like this. What is the mechanism that outputs a horrifying image immediately after outputting a beautiful image?
 It can be said that stable diffusion is a fantasy photography machine that captures various fantasies and dreams deep inside the mind of each user.

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-25

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-25

 stable diffusionを手にして以来、私は自身の心眼、記憶と感情によって変形され彩色された心の奥にある景色を出力していた。
 自身の中にあるイメージをstable diffusionでそれなりに近付けて形作るのは面白くはあるがそこまで簡単ではなかった。何度も工夫して言葉を選び替え、並び替え、AIモデルを幾つも取り替えたところで、どうしても思い描く心像に近付かず上手くいかないことも何度もある。数百枚以上の画像生成を行って、良いと思う図像が数枚あれば良い、とすべきであるということも次第に分かってきた。

 Ever since I got my hands on stable diffusion, I have been outputting the landscape in the back of my mind, transformed and colored by my mind’s eye, memories, and emotions.
 It was interesting, but not easy, to shape the image in my mind with stable diffusion to a reasonable degree. After many attempts to choose and rearrange words and AI models, I found that many times I could not get close to the mental image that I had in my mind. Gradually, I learned that I should generate more than several hundred images and only need a few that I think are good.
 Some of the images that the AI produced were sometimes grotesquely messed up beyond imagination, such as when the background and the clothing or the body were one and the same (some of them were even more horrendous than others). Whenever I came across such a terrible error image, I could not help but think, “Maybe this is a monster created by my own mind.” But more than that, I was reminded that “this is just a mechanical output by a program without any sense of aesthetics, following the rules of AI.”

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About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-24

 戦争関連の或る種の図像をstable diffusionで呼び出すのは一体、悪なのだろうか。平安貴族の十二単は唯のデータ不足なのかもしれない。AIで出力が禁じられる画像とはどのようなものだろうか。
 日本語変換では「差別語変換辞書」というものが有志によって作られているように、stable diffusionのAIモデルに足りない、もしくは禁じられた図像は自身でデータを作成するか、もしくは有志によって作成されたloraと呼ばれるような画像プラグインを探すしかなさそうだった。

 Is it evil to call up certain war-related images with stable diffusion? What kind of images are forbidden to be output by AI?
 It seems to be the same problem as that of words that are not converted by Japanese conversion software because their existence is denied as racist words, or words that are the target of word-hunting.
 If one is word-hunting, the other is image-hunting.
 As a “discriminatory word conversion dictionary” has been created by volunteers for Japanese language conversion, it seemed that the only way to get images that are missing from the AI model of stable diffusion or forbidden was to create their own data or find an image plug-in called “lora” created by volunteers. However, it seemed that it would be difficult to go to such lengths and find a forbidden image.
 However, I was not particularly concerned about going to such lengths to summon forbidden images.
 Nor did I feel any particular pleasure in breaking a prohibited rule. Considering the technical effort involved, I was happy as long as I could output something satisfactory with the minimum necessary.
 However, if AI image generation becomes more common in the future, images that do not exist in the AI model data will naturally not be output. At that time, will the word “kimono” produce images of Chinese-style kimonos or Korean-style kimonos? Even if we limit the term to “Japanese kimono,” if Chinese-style kimonos still appear (as they do at present), the Japanese-style scenery we want to represent will likely be somewhat rough and sketchy, like “Japanese scenery created by Hollywood movies”.

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About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-23

 AIモデルデータが作れなければ、少なくともstable diffusionという道具の中では、その国の歴史や文化は存在しない、ということになるのだった。

 I was satisfied with invoking the iconography of Chinese culture because of my love of “Genshin Impact” and “Liaozai Shii,” but I still had an irresistible desire to generate images of Japanese imagery that were deeply rooted in my mind.
 (As mentioned earlier,) I realized that the problem of AI is also a problem of power, political power, and economic power.
 If AI model data could not be created, the history and culture of a country would not exist, at least in the tool called stable diffusion.
 If the term “Heian-period aristocratic residences” does not produce any images, there is no way to summon such images in AI photographs, and a world in which the Heian period does not exist becomes the norm.
 Similarly, certain war-related images are not normally output.
 The AI model data seemed to reflect such value criteria as what is right and wrong, what is good and what is bad.

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About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-22

 例えば、1980年代の日本の歌番組、薄暗いゲームセンター、小学校の美術室、寺の裏にある墓場、デパート屋上の遊園地、見世物小屋、夏祭り、浴衣、着物、平安時代、鎌倉時代、江戸時代、それぞれの時代の建築や服装、等々、日本人であればその光景を思い浮かべることができるであろうイメージが、stable diffusionでは出力困難なことがあった。
 AIモデルに存在しないデータは、映像として呼び出すことができない。1980年代の薄暗いゲームセンターの景色を、私はどうにかしてstable diffusionで呼び出したい。平安時代の貴族が住む寝殿造りの屋敷を映像として物質化したい。しかしそれには元になるデータが必要で、それをするには膨大な手間と知識と費用が必要になる筈だった。歴史的なものも含み日本文化の図像を完璧に再現できるstable diffusionでのAIモデルデータはまだ存在しないようだった。

 It has become increasingly clear that most of the model data for AI was created in English-speaking or Chinese-speaking countries, and that it is often difficult to call up the unique iconography of Japanese culture as desired.
 For example, Japanese song shows in the 1980s, dimly lit game centers, elementary school art rooms, graveyards behind temples, amusement parks on department store rooftops, freak shows, summer festivals, yukata, kimono, architecture and clothing from the Heian, Kamakura, and Edo periods, etc. Japanese people would be able to picture these scenes, but stable diffusion has difficulty in outputting them.
 I realized then that AI is also a matter of culture, history, and ethnicity (and even politics and economics).
 I wanted to use stable diffusion to recall a dimly-lit arcade scene from the 1980s. I would like to materialize a video of a Heian-period aristocrat’s mansion in the shinden-zukuri style, but I need the original data. However, this would require the original data, which would require a great deal of time, knowledge, and expense. It seemed that there was no AI model data in stable diffusion that could perfectly reproduce the iconography of Japanese culture, including historical ones.

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-21

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-21

とにかく「心の目で世界を写す」というフォトショップのキャッチコピーはstable diffusionの革命的技術で現実になった。
stable diffusionを駆使する各人それぞれの心像、内的世界、夢、妄想、記憶、空想の数々は各々のプロンプト呪文で現実界に召喚される。
心の欲望そのままに、私も「地上世界には存在しないが、可能であれば物質化された存在としてこの目で見てみたい」映像をstable diffusionで呼び出し続けた。

Reflecting one’s own internal reality to the external world is, from a Buddhist perspective, not a world observed with a clear and pure mind, but a world tainted by evil.
Will I one day be able to see the world as it is with an untainted mind? I do not know.
In any case, the catchphrase of Photoshop, “photograph the world with your mind’s eye,” has become a reality with the revolutionary technology of stable diffusion.
The mental images, inner worlds, dreams, delusions, memories, and fantasies of each person who uses stable diffusion are summoned into the real world by their own prompting spells.
The dream world was the world of death, the pure world of mind and thought.
Fear is the endless end of fear, and anxiety and desire are transformed into something else and strike as a delusion. It was a psychedelic mental world where one’s own mind was materialized purely as it was.
As my mind’s desire, I also continued to call up images in stable diffusion that “do not exist in the earthly world, but I would like to see them with my own eyes as materialized beings if possible.”
This was the visualization of the mind, the visualization of the heavy and troubled dreams that lurk in the unconscious of each of us.

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-20

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-20

 stable diffusionで夢の光景をどうにか再現しようと私は召喚プロンプト呪文をあれこれと工夫をした。
 少なくとも、次のようには言える。夢の中で見た、感じた情景を元に、そこからstable diffusionとの相互作用で形作られた一種の内的な現実景色だ、と。
 しかし、内的現実とは言っても、私にとってはこのstable diffusionとの相互作用で作られた光景の方がよほど外的現実にも近い。私はそのように世界を感じている。
 私の肉体的な目、網膜には、一般的な風景のように、確かに周囲の景色は映っているかもしれない。だが私の心にはそれがその通りには映らない。stable diffusionで言葉を駆使してどうにか生み出した電子風景の方が、私の本当に見ている、感じている世界により近い。確かにそれは、私の内的現実なのだろうが、私の中では、紛う方なき、もう一つの外的現実だった。

 I had previously used Photoshop to make electronic paintings for fun, but after my electronic pen broke down, I had to take a break from image making for a while.
 I also could not help but take pictures whenever I came across a somewhat mysterious scene in my daily life.
 I tried to recreate the dream scene in stable diffusion by inventing various summoning prompt spells.
 Some of them seemed to work, but when asked, “Is this exactly what you saw in your dream?” I am at a loss for an answer, and I am likely to smile vaguely and look away.
 At least, I can say the following. It is a kind of internal reality that is formed by the interaction with stable diffusion based on the scene seen and felt in the dream.
 However, even though I call it an internal reality, for me, the scene created by the interaction with stable diffusion is much closer to my external reality. That is how I perceive the world.
 My physical eyes, my retinas, may indeed see the surrounding landscape, just like any other landscape, but my mind does not see it as it is. But my mind does not see it as it is; the electronic landscape that I have managed to create with words in stable diffusion is closer to the world as I really see and feel it. It may indeed be my internal reality, but in my mind, it is unmistakably another external reality.

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-19

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-19

 その行為を何十年も続けている中で、私はstable diffusionに出会った。

 When I recorded my dreams in a notebook, for some reason I was conscious of trying to write them down somehow using only words, without using diagrams or pictures as much as possible.
 How could I reproduce the sensations and emotions I felt in the dream in the material world, the world on earth? I wanted to somehow create something even slightly similar in words to the world of thoughts and feelings that seem to have no physical form.
 We can paint the faces of our favorite people, draw pictures of our favorite scenery, take pictures, take pictures of our favorite pets and children, take pictures of our favorite travel destinations. We take pictures of our travel destinations.
 For me, writing down the scenes of my dreams may have been similar to these acts.
 Traveling back to my hometown, taking souvenirs. For me, dreams during sleep are a kind of death, and they seem to be the home of my soul and heart.
 If there is such a thing as the afterlife, I sometimes felt that I must have been close to it in my dreams every night.
 Sleep, it seems, is the brother of death. The notes of my dreams, written only in letters, were cumulative. Sometimes the dream notes took five minutes, sometimes more than two hours.
 In the course of decades of doing this, I came across stable diffusion.