Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-27

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-27

 唐突だが、ここで人間の脳の三重構造について考えてしまう。モデルデータ配布サイトなどでstable diffusionによる画像を見ていると、人間の本能を司るといわれる脳幹、爬虫類脳と呼ばれる最古の生存根源的な部分が、無意識を露わにする如く、凶暴かつ露骨に現れ出ているように思うことがある。

 The imaginary landscape shown to the protagonist by Tamami the Whoopi in Osamu Tezuka’s “Phoenix: A Tale of the Future”.The fleeting fantasy world created by AI. The character who becomes addicted to dream images in “‘Until the End of the World’”. It may sound cliched, but it is true that beauty can be found just below the edge of insanity in mental breakdown.
 Suddenly, I am thinking about the threefold structure of the human brain. When I look at stable diffusion images on model data distribution sites, I sometimes think that the brainstem, which is said to control human instincts, and the oldest fundamental part of the brain for survival, called the reptilian brain, appear in a ferocious and blatant manner, as if revealing the unconsciousness of the brain.
 The bare desires, fears, violence, sex, life and death, blood, and unconsciousness that are essential for survival.When the unconscious brainstem and limbic system, which governs these aspects, and the conscious neocortex, which governs reason, thought, and language, are successfully unified and expressed in images, a stunning beauty may emerge that transcends disorder and uniformity.