Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-20

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-20

 stable diffusionで夢の光景をどうにか再現しようと私は召喚プロンプト呪文をあれこれと工夫をした。
 少なくとも、次のようには言える。夢の中で見た、感じた情景を元に、そこからstable diffusionとの相互作用で形作られた一種の内的な現実景色だ、と。
 しかし、内的現実とは言っても、私にとってはこのstable diffusionとの相互作用で作られた光景の方がよほど外的現実にも近い。私はそのように世界を感じている。
 私の肉体的な目、網膜には、一般的な風景のように、確かに周囲の景色は映っているかもしれない。だが私の心にはそれがその通りには映らない。stable diffusionで言葉を駆使してどうにか生み出した電子風景の方が、私の本当に見ている、感じている世界により近い。確かにそれは、私の内的現実なのだろうが、私の中では、紛う方なき、もう一つの外的現実だった。

 I had previously used Photoshop to make electronic paintings for fun, but after my electronic pen broke down, I had to take a break from image making for a while.
 I also could not help but take pictures whenever I came across a somewhat mysterious scene in my daily life.
 I tried to recreate the dream scene in stable diffusion by inventing various summoning prompt spells.
 Some of them seemed to work, but when asked, “Is this exactly what you saw in your dream?” I am at a loss for an answer, and I am likely to smile vaguely and look away.
 At least, I can say the following. It is a kind of internal reality that is formed by the interaction with stable diffusion based on the scene seen and felt in the dream.
 However, even though I call it an internal reality, for me, the scene created by the interaction with stable diffusion is much closer to my external reality. That is how I perceive the world.
 My physical eyes, my retinas, may indeed see the surrounding landscape, just like any other landscape, but my mind does not see it as it is. But my mind does not see it as it is; the electronic landscape that I have managed to create with words in stable diffusion is closer to the world as I really see and feel it. It may indeed be my internal reality, but in my mind, it is unmistakably another external reality.