Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-25

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-25

 stable diffusionを手にして以来、私は自身の心眼、記憶と感情によって変形され彩色された心の奥にある景色を出力していた。
 自身の中にあるイメージをstable diffusionでそれなりに近付けて形作るのは面白くはあるがそこまで簡単ではなかった。何度も工夫して言葉を選び替え、並び替え、AIモデルを幾つも取り替えたところで、どうしても思い描く心像に近付かず上手くいかないことも何度もある。数百枚以上の画像生成を行って、良いと思う図像が数枚あれば良い、とすべきであるということも次第に分かってきた。

 Ever since I got my hands on stable diffusion, I have been outputting the landscape in the back of my mind, transformed and colored by my mind’s eye, memories, and emotions.
 It was interesting, but not easy, to shape the image in my mind with stable diffusion to a reasonable degree. After many attempts to choose and rearrange words and AI models, I found that many times I could not get close to the mental image that I had in my mind. Gradually, I learned that I should generate more than several hundred images and only need a few that I think are good.
 Some of the images that the AI produced were sometimes grotesquely messed up beyond imagination, such as when the background and the clothing or the body were one and the same (some of them were even more horrendous than others). Whenever I came across such a terrible error image, I could not help but think, “Maybe this is a monster created by my own mind.” But more than that, I was reminded that “this is just a mechanical output by a program without any sense of aesthetics, following the rules of AI.”