喪失前夜 / The Eve of Loss

Stable Diffusionを主に使ってphotoshopで仕上げ。 画像生成AI・AI美術に惚れ込んだのでひたすら生成し続けています。
All images are by Kazuya Ueda, mainly using Stable Diffusion and finished in photoshop. I am fascinated by image generation AI and AI art, so I just keep generating images.


Ruthless and cruel, cheap and scandalous, but somehow full of warmth and humanity, the freak show of the underworld is a place where two deadly Kyong-Shi girls, who love dirty jokes, are seriously practicing public hypnosis experiments

画像は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!


Proof of the foreshadowing based on statistical probability of a bizarre tragedy occurring in a great magical field dreamed up by water and fire

画像と文章は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images and texts are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!


Atlantis’ past lives emerge in the transparent underworld night: a crystal floating halfway house between time and space


画像と文章は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images and texts are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

凍りついた2月の部屋で / In a frozen February room















In a frozen February room

Listen to J.A.Seazer’s 1978 “Directions to Servants”

Soon it will be time to say goodbye

It’s February, the same February we met last year

She told me she was only living for a movie in June

A nihilistic and unbelievably beautiful sociopath

I wonder when we’ll meet again

I saw a picture of a man I don’t know on her smart phone

I saw it when she ordered from the QR code menu

I don’t hear any music

She was boringly talking about travel and airplanes

Man-made flowers buried under the snow
the flames on the eaves of the roof are deliberately stained with sin compared to the dark snow

I looked at her lips and bosom as she continued to talk


画像と文章は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images and texts are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!