パソコンの夢 / Dream of a computer



去年の6月にstable diffusionを知ってから、ほぼ毎日、取り憑かれたみたいに夢中でやってきたけど、ここで小休止するしかない。


stable diffusionでの新しいものはちょっと一休みだが、他のこともやる必要があって、手が付いてなかったので、それらをやることにしようと思ってます。


Finally, or rather, my computer started to malfunction and I decided to send it in for repair.

I guess that’s what happens when you abuse your computer like it’s on fire for 24 hours a day.

Since I learned about stable diffusion last June, I’ve been working on it almost everyday like I’m obsessed with it, but I have to take a pause here.

I’ve been thinking about AI image generation, so this might be a good time to take a break.

I’m taking a break from the new stuff in stable diffusion, but I need to work on other things that I haven’t gotten around to, so I’m going to do those.

I have a lot of images, so I’ll keep uploading them✌~.