冥界の娘に取り憑かれた美の崇拝者が今日もまた苦痛と恍惚の極限を味わう (冥王星と金星がコンジャンクション)

Beauty worshiper obsessed with the daughter of the underworld tastes the extremes of pain and ecstasy again today (Pluto conjunct Venus)

画像と文章は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images and texts are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

性と死のサーカス一座がやってくる / A circus troupe of sex and death is coming
















We are a troupe of traveling performers from the underworld who wander through time and space

We present to you a theater of immaterial cruelty

A reality show of sex and death

We are ready to respond to your requests, depending on the amount of your contribution.

The performers are not physical

What you are seeing is all an illusion

Now, please, indulge your curiosity

Be free, do not hesitate to make any request you wish

Please feel free to unleash your deepest desires to your heart’s content!


*We will not be responsible for any sudden physical condition or illness that you may experience after the performance.

*Our immoral activities are supported by your energetic astral bodies. Thank you very much for your continued support.

画像と文章は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images and texts are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!


Loneliness in the water

画像は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!


Bride of the Underworld appears in the ruins of a collapsed dream

画像は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

レースサーキット場でのひととき / A Moment at the Circuit Track










The race ended with a tremendous roar like a battlefield.

By chance, I met an older woman whom I had long had feelings for.

It had been a long time, but her smile was the same as it used to be.

I know she doesn’t think much of me, so,

I couldn’t talk much and smiled wryly and bitterly.

She stood there for a while with a smile on her face,

“Bye,” she said, and left.


画像は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

既視感のある部屋 / A room with a sense of deja vu




※画像は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております! All images are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

廃墟での誕生日 / Birthday in an abandoned room

All images are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!
画像は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!