The Thirty-Six Views of the Underworld:Butterflies greet you at the lake at night
雪夜の湖 / lake on a snowy night
画像は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionを主に使ってphotoshopで仕上げ。 画像生成AI・AI美術に惚れ込んだのでひたすら生成し続けています。
All images are by Kazuya Ueda, mainly using Stable Diffusion and finished in photoshop. I am fascinated by image generation AI and AI art, so I just keep generating images.
冥界過日 / Previously, in the underworld
画像は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionを主に使ってphotoshopで仕上げ。 画像生成AI・AI美術に惚れ込んだのでひたすら生成し続けています。
All images are by Kazuya Ueda, mainly using Stable Diffusion and finished in photoshop. I am fascinated by image generation AI and AI art, so I just keep generating images.
非現実な春の夜の教室 / Unreal Spring Night Classroom
stable diffusion でのイラスト、絵も良いが写真も楽しいので、何週間かぶりに写真を出力。すると、やはり素晴らしい。イラストとの最大の違いは、物の比率。写真は物理的に現実界に則っているので、そこが面白い。
Illustrations and pictures in stable diffusion are good, but the photos are fun too, so I output photos for the first time in weeks. I output photos for the first time in weeks, and they are still wonderful. The biggest difference from illustrations is the proportions of things. Photographs are physically based on the real world, and that’s what makes them interesting.
When she got home, her mother and sister would probably be fighting again, and she thought it would be better to stay outside for a while yet, even in the rain
心臓に生けられた花々 / 冥王星の礼拝堂へ夢と死の供物を捧げる / 金星からの使いは心臓の血で花々を染める / 実に悪趣味だと思いながら…
Flowers arranged in her heart
She makes offerings of dreams and death to Pluto’s chapel
A messenger from Venus stains the flowers with the blood of her heart
She thinks it’s in really bad taste…
The day she lost something very important and irreplaceable to her
The curtain rises on a cruel theater act by the Underworld Beautiful Girls Revue at the Summer Evening Festival’s freak show
彼女の部屋はいつも雪 / 量子スピンで時空旅行を繰り返す量子アンドロイドの彼女は冥王星と金星の合一を夢見る
It’s always snowing in her room / She is a quantum android who repeatedly travels through time and space with quantum spins and dreams of the conjunction of Pluto and Venus
気を失うほどの恍惚が訪れる / The ecstasy of fainting comes
画像は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionを主に使ってphotoshopで仕上げ。 画像生成AI・AI美術に惚れ込んだのでひたすら生成し続けています。
All images are by Kazuya Ueda, mainly using Stable Diffusion and finished in photoshop. I am fascinated by image generation AI and AI art, so I just keep generating images.