16ビット少女の憂鬱と恍惚 / The Melancholy and Ecstasy of 16-bit Girls

For some reason, the words of a musician and video game author who said, “I was raised on the Super Nintendo,” have always stuck with me.

画像と文章は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images and texts are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

キューブリックのホテル / Kubrick’s Hotels

画像と文章は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images and texts are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!


The moment when the live-action image abruptly switches to an animated image, a strange and violent discomfort. The switch of images that forces me to wake up from my dream and realize that what I was seeing as reality was just a made-up image.

画像と文章は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images and texts are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!


Some hidden feelings of a boy of pure reason, unimaginable to anyone else, were misted out in that absolute night

画像と文章は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images and texts are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

雪の部屋 / Snow Room

All images and texts are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

かつて愛のあった部屋 / The room where love once was

画像と文章は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images and texts are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

解決不能 / Can’t be solved

No one was stepping into this issue anymore

画像と文章は全て上田カズヤによるものです。Stable Diffusionに惚れ込んでひたすら24時間365日、生成を続けております!
All images and texts are by Kazuya Ueda, who is fascinated by Stable Diffusion and continues to generate them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!