Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-34

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-34

 stable diffusionでの画像生成は、紙とペンで絵を描いたり、楽器を弾いたり、料理を作ったりするのと同じような創造的行為である。夢映像をただ自動的に浴びるように見続ける、というものではない。
 絵には描く人の心、無意識が往々にして現れる。写真も同じく。AI画像、stable diffusionにも、画像生成者の心や癖、仕草のような、その人と不可分の何かが示されている。そのような 個人独自の無意識は、いつかは、その人にしか出せない独特な香気に昇華できたら理想的だと思う。

 Image generation with stable diffusion is a creative act similar to drawing with pen and paper, playing a musical instrument, or cooking. It is not a process of just automatically watching dream images as if one were being bombarded with them.
 It differs from cooking and crafts only in that the tools used are based on a new technology called AI.
 The mind and unconsciousness of the painter often appear in a picture, and the same is true of a photograph. AI images and stable diffusion also show something inseparable from the person who created them, such as his/her mind, habits, and gestures. It would be ideal if such an individual’s unique unconsciousness could someday be sublimed into a unique fragrance that only that person can produce.
 Why is it that we are attracted to beauty? It seems that there is something about beautiful things that is worthy of making people’s hearts go crazy. In the current situation, we can’t get much beauty for the money, and only boring and exciting things seem to increase in number. Maybe it is wrong to try to seek something beautiful with one easy click.
 But even so, aesthetic ecstasy is irreplaceable, and perhaps we cling to it because something is lacking in us, and we seek it relentlessly.



The rented house remains vacant and time just flies by
Fear of forgetting to do something important
There are secrets in that house

Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-33

About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-33

 stable diffusionによる無意識の映像化は、言葉という理性や意識があって初めてどうやら成り立つらしい。
 想像できて言葉で表せるものならおおよそstable diffusionは写真の如く写実的に画面上に再現してしまう。

 The visualization of the unconscious by stable diffusion is apparently only possible when there is reason and consciousness in the form of language.
 If there is no consciousness and only unconsciousness, one may be addicted to dreams and images, like a simple, unthinking amoeba that only reacts to stimuli.
 It seems to me that invoking the chaotic unconscious with words is akin to an actor playing a drunk who is not really drunk. It is necessary to be somewhat objectively sober in order to present the storm and madness of the unconscious on the screen in a form that is bearable to watch.
 As I recall, in “Until the End of the World”, the character who became addicted to dream images was able to escape this state of dependence through words.
 If it can be imagined and expressed in words, stable diffusion can reproduce it on the screen as realistically as a photograph.
 If the creator is so inclined, he or she can produce any number of bizarre and horrifying sights, extremely acidic and cruel scenes, and sexual fantasies. Of course, we can also freely create things that are refreshing, common, sensible, and beautiful through words.
 But is there really no pathological dependence on such things as “dream addiction” here? A state in which each individual is submerged in a swamp of unconsciousness in a paradise of ideal dreams.