冥土幻想 118
Underworld Illusions 118
Permanent dream trip to the Kansai region 8
Room with flowers
冥土幻想 117 懐かしい友人の書斎で亡霊とパーティ
Underworld Illusions 117
Party with ghosts in the study of an old friend
冥土幻想 116
Underworld Illusions 116
関西への永続的夢幻旅行 7
冥土幻想 115
Underworld Illusions 115
Permanent dream trip to the Kansai region 7
I arrived at an abandoned station, with no sign of people. It was overgrown with greenery. As I make my way along the dimly lit road, I see in the cold air the wreckage of a construction site, apparently abandoned in the middle of construction. It reminded me of playing in the middle of the night when I was a child at the site of a former expressway, which was also abandoned in the same way.
冥土幻想 114
Underworld Illusions 114
Flowers in the room of ice
冥土幻想 113 ある廃ホテル図書室の幻影
Underworld Illusions 113
A Phantom of an Abandoned Hotel Library
冥土幻想 112
Underworld Illusions 112
冥土幻想 111
Underworld Illusions 111